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Discover The Road to Adventure

Our Journey in our 1930 Model A

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The Road to Nashville Day 3

June 19, 2022 It was another beautiful sunny day as we began the last leg of our drive to Nashville. We crossed into Kentucky and the...

The Road to Nashville Day 2

June 18, 2022 We started out early again and this time took the back roads through small towns and drove on country roads. I love going...

The Road to Nashville Day 1

June 17, 2022 This is the trip that almost wasn’t and we’re still not sure! The original plan wasn’t to Nashville, but instead drive the...

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity, Jig

Everyone was up and at them early today. We knew 350 miles would be a long drive before we were home. The weather again was nice and...

An Adventurous Day

We got up preparing for a relaxing day. We had until 3:30pm to drive 38 miles, so we took our time and had a leisurely breakfast at Bob...

On the Road to Holland, MI

Our drive today was 175 miles to Holland, MI. It was a scenic drive and the weather once again was perfect. Along the way we passed...

Greenfield Village and the Last Hoorah

Greenfield Village is a town that Henry Ford built on 80 acreas of land in 1929. Going there is a journey into America's past where you...

The Red Light, Green Light Tour

This morning at breakfast we met a couple who came from Virginia. They've only had a Model A for 2 years so this type of event is new to...

Traveling on to the Roundup

After a delicious and filling breakfast at Oma's we women split from the guys to finish our shopping from the day before. While waiting...

On to Frankenmuth and the Chicken Dinners

Because we didn't have far to travel today (78 miles) we started out later than normal, 8:30. The motel had almost nothing for breakfast,...

The USS Badger

Today we only drove about 100 miles compared to the 270 miles of yesterday. We left New London and drove to Manitowoc to the USS Badger...

On the Road Again

Once again we're off on another adventure in the Model A. This time we are traveling with 3 other cars. We met Thom Boche,Lee Oster and...

Home at Last

Day 15 July 19 We made it home today, but just barely. I thought for sure we would either be spending another night in Huron or being...

On the Way Home

Day 14 July 18 It was another beautiful summer morning in the Black Hills as we all left Ghost Canyon for home. The time went too fast...

100% Family Day

Day 13 July 17 Today was a 100% family day. Steve didn’t even start the car. We all piled into the van around 10am and took off for Hot...

Fun in the Black Hills

Day 12 July 16, 2021 The Black Hills are our favorite place to be. We have been here many times but the beauty and peacefulness are...

The Road to our Family Vacation in the Black Hills

Day 11 July 15, 2021 This morning when we went to leave Scotts Bluff the car wouldn’t start.. I started to worry thinking we’re so close...

The Road to Scotts Bluff, NE

Day 10 July 14 If yesterday had been a little different we could have gone to the Royal Gorge Suspension Bridge. It was close to where...

The Road Through the Mountains

Day 9 July 13 Today can be described in these words: Exhilarating, white knuckled , nerve racking and frustrating! Driving in the...

A Day in Silverton

Day 8 July 12 This morning I woke from a deep sleep to the what I thought was Steve’s alarm ringing at 5:18 am. It stopped and I fell...

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