Everyone was up and at them early today. We knew 350 miles would be a long drive before we were home. The weather again was nice and we had no car troubles to slow us down. Our only stops were for gas every couple of hours and lunch in Sparta, WI.
Most of the roads were good until we hit a detour on highway 16. This detour took us out onto the Freeway. I dislike freeway driving because we are going 46 - 50 miles an hour where all other cars, trucks and semi's are flying by at 70 - 80+. I'm always nervous that one of those vehicles won't realize that we're barely moving before they're on us. Freeway driving is faster, but much more stressful and noisy. After about 30 miles we took the exit to Wisconsin Dells. I haven't been to Wisconsin Dells in years so the changes to the area were quite amazing. It's now more than the Tommy Barlett's skiing show and is very touristy! Lots of things to do, miniature golf, a water park and much, much more! We drove through and continued on our way.
We parted ways with our caravan across from Winona, MN. Steve, myself, Lee and Evelyn drove on the Minnesota side and Thom, Marc, Jackie and Matt drove north on the Wisconsin side towards home.
Around 5:30 Steve and I were only 10 miles from home when we almost lost control of the car and fell into a ravine! We both had our hearts jump into our throats! We had turned onto Dell Road off of Pioneer Trail in Chanhassen. Dell is a paved road except for about 2 tenth of a mile where the road is a washboard of gravel that goes up a very steep hill. As we were driving up the hill the car suddenly bounced sideways and came to the edge of the road where it drops off into a ravine! If Steve had not turned the wheel and got us back into the middle of the road we would have tipped over and landed on the top of the car! Yikes! That was a scarier moment than any in the Rockies. Thank you God for watching over us again!
We finally turned into our driveway around 6pm. 11 hours of driving in a Model A is exhausting and although the trip was fun we were glad to be home.
