Day 7 July 11, 2021
Steve’s whole reason for planning this road trip started when he saw a PBS documentary about America’s Railroads. It featured The Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad that runs on an extension track for 45 miles. In the documentary it looked exciting as the steam locomotive rode through the mountains with breathtaking scenery. Our plan was to ride on the steam engine train, but it was filled so we took the diesel engine, which was just as fun.
The ride started at 8 am and all 6 cars were full. We saw at least a dozen of the riders were loaded down with big backpacks and wondered why. About an hour later we found out that hikers use the train to get off and on at certain places to hike and camp throughout the mountains.
The trip to Silverton takes 3 ½ hours so we had plenty of time to enjoy the scenery, which was just as we thought, breathtaking! The train runs along the side of the mountain giving us a view straight down the gorge. The tracks also follow the beautiful winding Animas River throughout the ride, which makes it all the more beautiful.
When we arrived in Silverton around 11:30 we had 2 hours to look around and have lunch. The town is very small with lots of restaurants and tourist shops. As we were looking for a place to eat, Steve spotted a 1931 Ford Model A Coup parked in front of a restaurant named Natalie’s. The car had the restaurant’s name on it, so of course that’s where we ate. Afterwards, we located the manager to tell him we would be driving there tomorrow in a ’30 “A” and ask a question. Steve wanted to know was how well the car runs in the high altitude. The manager told him “Great as long as the carburetor is good”. I guess that means we should do OK.
The ride back in the train was just as scenic and enjoyable. We met another couple who were originally from Minnesota, but now live in South Carolina. Since we started this trip we seem to meet a lot of former Minnesotans, who now live elsewhere.
We got back at 5:30 and decided to go back to the Diamond Belle Saloon for hors d’ oeuvre and something to drink. Again, we met some people at the next table with the Minnesota connection. Weird.
Tomorrow I hope we make it up the mountain to Silverton where we will be spending the night.
Say a prayer and wish us luck! The next 2 days of driving make me nervous!