Day 3 July 7
When we left Oakley around 7 the skies were still cloudy with a light drizzle falling. It was cool enough for me to put on my jacket and that’s when Steve remembered he forgot something else, a jacket! Luckily, we can always stop at one of many Dollar General’s along the way and buy one if needed.
Driving today was much like yesterday, nothing but farm land and cattle. Later as we drove through Colorado the terrain changed to prairie grass and cactus, until we got to the mountains.
The towns on this trip were so spread out and small that some didn’t even have gas stations. This made Steve nervous, so we filled up anytime we saw a one. Not counting all the gas station stops we only stopped twice. One of the towns that we passed had an old dilapidated Texaco station on the side of the road. It was a perfect spot for a picture and we just couldn’t pass it up. The second stop was for lunch in the very small town of Ordway, Colorado. We ate at a former Dairy King, that was now named Addy’s. Addy was a 1 woman show; cook, waitress janitor and a very good conversationalist. From there our destination was Fort Garland where we were planning to spend the night.
Normally we don’t have a problem getting a room without a reservation and Fort Garland had 2 motels. Alas, both motels were full, but more frustrating was that we missed getting the last room by only 10 minutes! Not knowing where the next big town would be Steve panicked as he remembered he forgot to bring maps! He was depending only on our Garmin to get us from point A to B. I, on the other hand, asked somebody and was told Taos was just another hour away. Of course that meant for us 2 more hours of driving, but it was only 4pm and still relatively early. We are in the mountains now so driving was a little more challenging. The car still goes up the mountain slowly and speeds down at 50+ MPH, but we made it!
Taos is a very cute touristy town that is only 2 hours from Santa Fe. That means we can sleep late and I can go shopping! After lunch we will make our way to our first designated stop of Santa Fe!
Some interesting facts:
We drove about 400 miles
Average speed 40
Gas prices $3.52 - $3.94
