June 25, 2022
It had rained during the night and was still raining at 6am. By 7am it had stopped so we decided to leave before it started again.
As we drove we could see standing water in all the ditches and farmer’s fields. They’ve had so much rain this year the ground is saturated and some of the crops are washed out. Although, the skies were gray we only had one short cloud burst on our drive back and we arrived home by 10:30am.
This trip definitely is one of mixed reviews. We enjoyed Nashville and the things we did there, but we only hit the tip of the iceberg. Maybe someday we’ll go back and try to see all the things we missed.
I didn’t enjoy the drive. Steve was in too big of a rush going there because we started later than we had planned. Understandably, we rushed home because of his mother, who by the way will be going into hospice care.
It took 2½ days to get to Nashville and to go home with Steve driving approximately 400 miles a day. That equals 11 hours sitting in the car! We skipped all but one planned stop along the way. These stops make the trip fun. It was boring driving 50-55mph on a 4-lane highway, until we got the flat. That was a little exciting, but not something you really want make a habit of. I missed driving on all of our scenic back roads. Highways are for modern cars that should go fast. A Model A should be driven leisurely on winding, hilly 2-lane country roads that meander through the small towns of America.
The things we learned on this trip were take your time, don’t wear irreplaceable jewelry that can be lost and no need to purchase tickets ahead of time. You can always buy them at the gate.
