September 4, 2022
This morning was cool as we left Grinnell, but it warmed up as the day progressed and it was a another perfect day for driving. The traffic was light, the sky was blue and the fields were green
A couple of years ago we took the Model A through North Dakota and we saw acres and acres of sun flowers. In Iowa it’s corn. Everywhere you looked were rows and rows of corn. . We were truly driving in God’s country
We were near the town of Allison when coming towards us on the opposite side of the road was a man on a John Deere riding lawn mower. That in itself is no big deal, but what was strange was there was a straight bar on the front of the mower with 4 Springer Spaniels pulling it! The dogs were evenly spaced and trotting along. It was cutest thing I’d ever seen. It was such an unexpected sight I wasn’t ready with my camera and I wanted a picture of them. I told Steve to turn around, but by the time he did the dogs and man had pulled into their driveway and were out of sight. I wanted Steve to follow them in their driveway, but he didn’t and now we have no pictures of it. Darn!
It was close to noon and we were nearing Forest City, IA. Although, our plan was to drive straight home I wanted to stop strictly for nostalgic reasons because my grandparents lived there and were buried in the cemetery. Unlike Mason City there wasn’t any restoration going on in the town and it looked old and tired. In spite of that, the stop was good and we were able to eat lunch and stretch our legs before driving the rest of the way home.
Our 5 day trip went fast and as always was another fun adventure in the Model A.