Lincoln Highway
Day 8
Last night we stayed at the Stampede Motel, in Elko, NV, it was a basic, cheap mom and pop motel with no amenities. The woman who checked us in was originally from Wisconsin and seemed happy to have Minnesotans stay with her.
Her son noticed our car and soon the whole family came out to look at it. They were so pleased to have it there she made Steve park it in a special spot by the front lobby, instead of in front of our room.
The room was clean and the bed must have been comfy, because we slept until 7:15. Usually we’re up at 6 or 6:30 and on the road by 7:30. I guess we were more exhausted than we thought. Driving nearly 12 hours the day before with only a few stops can do that to you!
Today our destination was Reno, NV where we are staying a few days with my cousins, Linda and Kenny, but the first stop we made was at a gas station to fill up the car, get coffee and something to eat on the way.
We were driving on I-80 today as the Lincoln Highway was too far away to connect up with. Luckily, the traffic wasn’t too bad and most of the time Steve kept the speed around 50 except when we climbed a few hills. Then the speed dropped to 35 or 40. Earlier in the trip I was worried about going that speed because of flat tires. So far the tires have held up just fine, although Steve checks them often and if needed fills them with air.
About mid-day we stopped again for gas and then drove across the parking lot to pick up some lunch at a “Food Mart”. After eating our lunch on an outside picnic table we were ready to go again. The car, though, wasn’t.
Confused, Steve hopped out and looked under the hood. He wasn’t getting any spark and the engine didn’t start when the key was turned on. Now, I should have been worried, but I wasn’t even concerned. I knew Steve would figure out what was wrong and we’d be off again soon.
It didn’t take Steve long to realize the problem was with the starter. He didn’t have exactly what he needed or the time to tear the car apart, so he hotwired the car with electrical wire he found in the trunk and in 15 minutes we were off, just like I knew we would be.
My cousins were anxiously awaiting for us to arrive. They recently moved from MN to be closer to their children and it was great seeing them again. After going to their favorite Japanese restaurant for dinner we took a ride (in their car) and were shown downtown Reno.
We drove through here on vacation with our kids in 1985 and it doesn’t look the same at all. I remember stopping at a McDonalds and getting silver dollars for change! It was a big deal, especially for our son who was 10. I was informed they no longer use them, only cards.
This weekend the Model A will be given a rest and repaired, as my cousins take us to Truckee, CA to see the Donner-Reed museum. We missed it in 1985 and I always wanted to go back. I’ve read the book about little Patty Reed and the 6” doll she kept hidden in her pocket while she endured the horrible winter ordeal. To my delight, that doll will be on display.
Not many pictures today.

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